APCO - by Fresh-Aire UV

APCO - Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation In-Duct Air Purifier
Current PCO technology is limited by only being capable of breaking down simple indoor air contaminates such as odors in the air as they pass by the PCO cell. Traditional PCO cells are ineffective on more complex VOCs such as formaldehyde or toluene.
The Fresh-Aire UV APCO™ cell absorbs these contaminates and allows time for complete oxidation of these contaminates. Plus, the cell is regenerative, breaking down the captured impurities to simple carbon dioxide and water vapor. In addition, the Fresh-Aire UV APCO™ uses our proven shielded UV-C lamp for airborne disinfection, not to mention irradiating the coil to eliminate system clogging biological growth unlike other PCO systems.
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UV Purification Statement by FreshAire UV
CAUTION: You must not look at a UV-C light bulb without eye protection, just like looking at the sun they will "burn" a spot in your retina.
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